Health & Fitness

Bredesen on Brain Health with Rhonda Patrick part 2

Kristen Sparrow • November 26, 2018

This is part 2 of 3 covering this podcast.  His book can be found here.

Dr. Bredesen discusses some of the biological markers they take into consideration when evaluating someone’s risk for cognitive decline.

They look at

  1. CRP  C reactive protein, an inflammatory marker
  2. Homocysteine which correlates with the volume of the hippocampus an important structure involved in memory
  3. Glycotoxicity markers having to do with insulin, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
    1. Fasting insulin (tight control, no accepted lab values)
    2. Hemoglobin A1C a measure of months long serum glucose
  4. Type 2 or atrophic Alzheimer’s they are looking at trophic support for the brain
    1. Vitamin D
    2. Hormone levels  testosterone, progesterone, prenenolone, Free T3 (thyroid)  and others
  5. Apoe4  A gene involved in Alzheimer’s.  Apparently, evolutionarily, this gene confers protection against fungal, protozoal and microbial infection, but is counterproductive in our modern environments.  It is not found in centenarians, so thought to be a marker for Alzheimer’s.  If present, then the symptoms still can be controlled by diet etc… according to Dr. Bredesen.
  6. Type 3 Alzheimer’s associated with toxins, especially molds.  So there are tests to be done in the patient’s house to check for the mold titers.  It is thought that molds can lead to CIRS or chronic inflammatory response syndrome.


1. Mild ketosis.  He advocates that patients get the majority of their calories from fat which means that ketones are providing the fuel for the brain.  Apparently the brain works quite well with ketones as opposed to glucose.  So the diet is low carbohydrate, high fat.  To make the transition, he recommends MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride oil).  Some people are able to go into endogenous ketosis, but many require supplements like MCT oil short term.  At least 12 hours of fasting between dinner and breakfast.  If Apoe4 positive, it should be longer, 14 to 16 hours. The diet should be plant rich (organic, of course…) 70% of calories from “good fats” eg avocado, nuts.   If a person eats meat, it should be grain fed pasture beef.  Chicken, organic.  If fish avoid the large mouthed, long lived fish such as tuna, shark and swordfish (too much Mercury).  Recommends  SMASH fish.  Sardines, mackerel, anchovies, Salmon, and herring.

Also should eat at least 3 hours before bed.  Night time sleep is a key time for getting rid of amyloid, hence sleep quality is important and to be in a fasting state at night.