Medical Research

Austrian Acupuncture and HRV study Part 1

Kristen Sparrow • October 17, 2010

I will be discussing this study from a center at the University of Graz that looks at HRV and acupuncture, laser acupuncture, and moxibustion. The author kindly sent me a full copy of his study.
Transcontinental and Translational High-tech Acupuncture Research Using Computer-based Heart Rate and “Fire of Life” Heart Rate Variability Analysis by Gerard Litscher published in Journal of Acupuncture Meridian Studies
The first of four parts shows that acupuncture and acupressure on Yin Tang (the point between the eyebrows) calms the nervous system, showing a decrease in heart rate and a decrease in the LFR/HFR ratio of HRV.
The study explores acupuncture, acupressure and placebo acupuncture on Yin Tang (the point between the eyebrows prescribed to calm the spirit) and the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) response. HRV has been shown to be a fair correlate with the physiological stress response. Within certain parameters, the more variability in the heart rate the healthier the subject. Low Frequency/High Frequency ratio is shown to decrease with a decrease in the stress response or increase in restorative function.
What they found was that heart rate decreased significantly during acupuncture and acupressure on Yintang. The sham acupuncture point also decreased heart rate but less so. The Low Frequency/High Frequency ratio (LFR/HFR) ratio decreased with acupressure but decreased more in females.
The results reinforce the use of this particular point to “calm the spirit.”

(To read more about acupuncture and my practice, please click here.)